Did you know that the Al Azhar Foundation has been present in Indonesia for more than 60 years?
The best Islamic schools that produce many graduates who have managed to become successful person, and become an important part of the Indonesian nation development.

Do you know? that for more than 60 years of existence, the Foundation has not had an International Boarding School in Indonesia, so with Allah’s permission right in the midst of an alarming pandemic, for the first time in the history of the Al Azhar Foundation, in early 2021 we inaugurated the Al Azhar International Islamic Boarding School, a modern boarding school with international standards for junior high and high school levels was born in Indonesia to provide solutions for parents in finding the best education for their beloved children.
For The Sake Of Creating The Golden Generation Of Muslims In The Future,
We Believe, We Need To Do Something Different Than Usual
Spirit of AL FATIH
5 centuries ago, things that were impossible in the eyes of humans at that time, were completed with Faith, Taqwa, Strength, Intelligence and Technology by a young man. The 21-year-old youth conquered the capital city of the world at that time. It was not only the expansion of territory that was obtained, but the legitimacy of power in the eyes of the world was getting stronger when Constantinople (current Istanbul) became part of the Ottoman Caliphate.
The extraordinary confidence of a young Sultan to realize the Hadith of the Prophet that Constantinople and Rome will be opened. With the same spirit and belief, the mosque in the Al Azhar International Islamic Boarding School Complex is called the Al Fatih Mosque.
To create a different Generation, it needs preparation and a special new atmosphere. Futuristic designs are representative of this era and the same “Spirit of Ghazi” that Muhammad Al Fatih glorified 5 centuries ago became a differentiator. Let’s make Al Fatih Mosque the beginning of this 5.0 era Muslim youth starting the dream of conquering the other side of the World with Faith, Taqwa, Strength, Intelligence and Technology.