Regular Registration for Junior High School & Senior High School :
Special Offers : July – September
Phase 1 : October – November
Phase 2 : December – Quota Fulfilled

Indent Registration (At anytime) :
Indent (JHS) : From grade 1 – 5 Elementary School
Indent (SHS) : From grade 7 – 8 Junior High School

*Note : Registration closes at anytime when the quota is full

Call with parents : every two weeks
Meet with parents : once a month
Return to home : once every three months for three days. Per semester. Mid – Late Ramadan – Eid – Fitri

Al Azhar International Islamic Boarding School (Al Azhar IIBS) is an international boarding school in Karanganyar district, which is under the auspices of the YPI Al Azhar.

Al Azhar IIBS is located in Jl. Raya Solo – Tawangmangu, Gedangan, Salam, Kec. Karangpandan, Karanganyar Regency, Central Java 57791

Al Azhar IIBS Karanganyar provides junior High School & Senior High School

Al Azhar IIBS Karanganyar has been operating since 2021.

Al Azhar International Islamic Boarding School Karanganyar has the concept of Integrated Learning / Integrated Learning with the personal coaching system of Al Azhar Muslims.

This integration is not only a combination of the two, but religious values are expected to color general lessons, and vice versa. Al Azhar 28 IIBS applies the Independent Curriculum.

For Fee Information, please contact call center 0811 1355 011 with Staff Enrollment

There are Mandatory Extracurriculars and Optional Extracurriculars.

Mandatory Extracuricullars

  • Scout
  • Horse Riding, Archery & Swimming
  • Scientist, Professional, Entrepreneur, Cleric

Optional Extracuricullar

  • Horse Riding, Archery and Swimming
  • Scientist, Professional, Entrepreneur, Cleric
  • Youth Red Cross / PMR
  • Cinematography
  • Basketball
  • Mini Soccer

To facilitate effective and sophisticated learning, every student & educator of Al Azhar IIBS is equipped with iPad and several classroom facilities such as Wifi, Projector, Lcd, and other facilities.

Al Azhar IIBS has several sports facilities such as mini soccer courts, basketball courts, and archery sports facilities.

Dormitory facilities at Al Azhar IIBS include:

  1. Bed
  2. Table & Chair
  3. Wardrobe
  4. AC
  5. Bathroom

Please visit Al Azhar IIBS Karanganyar, then visit our reception to be directed to meet the enrolment team 😊

For 3 years of junior high school, a minimum of 15 juz & 5 juz mutqin juziyyah. The same goes for high school.

Assalamualaikum Al Azhar IIBS
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