Alhamdulillah, on Sunday 22 October 2023, representatives from the Al Azhar IIBS Management Team visited the campus of the International Islamic University Malaysia, IIUM, a leading international university in Malaysia which has collaborated with the Al Azhar IIBS Campus.

This visit was represented by Al Ustadz KH. Syihabuddin, AM., Al Hafizh as Board of Development Al Azhar IIBS together with Al Ustadz Ahmad Zulfiqar A.A.A., S.Fil.I., MIRKH. On this occasion, Al Ustadz Ahmad Zulfiqar A.A.A., S.Fil.I., MIRKH and Al Ustadz Syihabuddin, AM., Al Hafizh toured the rector’s office and several lecture faculty locations and campus facilities such as international food cafes, classes, stadiums, field and student dormitories and ends at the main campus mosque. This campus in Selangor Malaysia has 17 faculties and more than 200 study programs.

This campus tour was of course also welcomed by the IIUM lecturers and academic community. Also had the opportunity to stay in touch with Ass.Prof. Dr. Alwi Alatas (Department of History & Civilization IIUM) & Ust. Hadi Nur Ramadhan (Deputy Secretariat of Central LSBPI MUI). During this meeting, many discussions were opened regarding Al Azhar IIBS Karanganyar and the International Islamic University Malaysia.

Finishing the visit agenda at IIUM, Ust. Syihab & Ust. Zul continued his friendship with Sheikh Ghiath Abdul Baqi Al-Sharqi, he is the Supervisor of the Sheikh Ali Thantawi Foundation. The visit to Shaikh Ghiath was a return visit because on the occasion of last Ramadan, Shaykh Ghiath visited the IIBS Al Azhar Campus.

During this visit, Al Azhar IIBS and IIUM strive to continue to increase synergy and collaboration in the development of the world of education and Islam.

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