Al Azhar IIBS

On September 4, 2024, Al Azhar International Islamic Boarding School (IIBS) proudly welcomed Baraa Masoud, a native speaker from Palestine and an international qori’. During this occasion, Baraa Masoud visited several classes to provide learning sessions that included discussions about Palestinian culture, language, and traditional cuisine, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of the rich cultural nuances of the country.

By bringing a native speaker into the classroom, Al Azhar IIBS hopes to broaden students’ horizons regarding the international world and provide an authentic and interactive learning experience. Baraa Masoud’s presence is expected to enhance students’ foreign language skills while introducing them to the culture, language, and traditional foods of Palestine. Students are also encouraged to actively participate in discussions, answer questions, and raise various issues related to the topics discussed, creating a dynamic learning environment.

In the afternoon, Baraa Masoud also delivered a public lecture at Al-Fatih Mosque attended by all students of Al Azhar IIBS from both SMPIA 51 IIBS and SMAIA 28 IIBS. The students showed exceptional enthusiasm during the lecture, listening attentively to the material presented. The active interaction and high curiosity from the students enriched the discussion during the Q&A session, where they could delve deeper into various aspects of life in Palestine and the challenges faced by its society.

Baraa Masoud’s presence at Al Azhar IIBS is part of the school’s efforts to bring an international perspective directly from the source, enriching the academic experience of students and strengthening global competencies within the educational environment. By involving inspiring figures like Baraa Masoud, Al Azhar IIBS is committed to shaping a generation that is not only academically intelligent but also globally aware.

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