On Sunday, October 29, 2023, at the Al Fatih mosque, after subh (fajr) prayer until night, Alif Bintang Pradana bin Dwi Murtono, a student of Al Azhar 28 IIBS from Bekasi who had participated in the 30 Juz Qur’an Memorization Test in front of his examiner, Ustadz Chaerul.
This event was held by Al Azhar IIBS and attended by students, assatidz, and teachers of Al Azhar IIBS. Some of moments were also streamed on Youtube AAIIBS.OFFICIAL. To watch Tasmi’ Al Qur’an 30 Juz by Alif Bintang Pradana, can access via the following link :
This happiness was not only felt by Alif Bintang Pradana who had completed his Qur’an memorization tasmi, but also felt by all students of Al Azhar IIBS. It is hoped that the enthusiasm shown by Alif Bintang Pradana can motivate all students of Al Azhar IIBS, and one day they can have the same opportunity to be able to perform the memorization of the Qur’an 30 Juz, and get blessings from Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala, aamiin.